Title I Neglected and Delinquent Services » Title I Neglected and Delinquent Services

Title I Neglected and Delinquent Services

Title I Part A ( Neglected) funding is funneled through the PMOIU2 to administer funding and technical support to those eligible Neglected Programs providing supplemental educational services to at-risk student populations housed in facilities by the court system due to abandonment, abuse or parental neglect. Title I Part D (Delinquent) funding is administered and supervised by PMOIU2 to eligible programs providing supplemental educational services to at-risk students who find themselves confined in detention centers and correctional facilities. These students are placed by the court system for adjudication or pre-adjudication in criminal or civil court cases.  Upon release the ultimate goal for these programs is to develop a transitional path for these students to continue their high school education, enroll in college or a technical training program or become a working member of a community. Both Part A and Part D programs work closely with the home school districts to determine if the student is eligible for credit recovery consideration.